
Possible Responses

Do you experience ringing (or other noises) in your ears?


Do you experience dizziness?


How long have you been suffering from these symptoms?

0 - 2 months

3 months - 1 year

More than 1 year

As of today, please rate how bothersome the ringing (or other noises) in your ears is when it’s most bothersome?

Not bothersome 1 2 3

Somewhat bothersome 4 5 6 7

Extremely bothersome 8 9 10

Not applicable

As of today, please rate how bothersome the dizziness is when it’s most bothersome?

Not bothersome 1 2 3

Somewhat bothersome 4 5 6 7

Extremely bothersome 8 9 10

Not applicable

As of today, please describe what time(s) of day or night your symptoms are most bothersome?

Open text response

Except for this bottle, have you ever taken Lipo-Flavonoid® Plus before?



If you took Lipo-Flavonoid® Plus in the past, were you satisfied with symptom relief?



Never took before

Is using a product that is #1 doctor recommended important to you?

