| Type | Advantages | Disadvantages |
CARGOX | Public (restricted) Ethereum-based Blockchain | Well Known blockchain House of Landing Transactions are viewable to entire network Helped blockchain to be acceptable in Shipping Industry | Does not support negotiable BOL Not approved by P&I clubs High Value of tokens make transaction unacceptable |
EssDocs-Voltron | Permissioned Based on Corda | Cross-platform connectivity Use R3 Corda Ricardian Contract | Beta mode Finance based model Banks have access to all companies data Cannot use token |
Tradelens | Private (based on Hyperledger Fabric) | Generic platform for supply chain solutions Promoted by IBM and Maersk | Doesn’t provide maritime specific operations. |
e-title | Peer 2 peer Hybrid platform | Accept any format of Document (PDF, IMAGE, XML, EDI) | Need of Paper Based bill of landing to convert it in electronic Bill of Landing |
Edox Online | Web based blockchain | P&I Clubs accepted | Lack of privacy |
Bolero | Cloud Based | Scan paper documents Manage Huge load of Documents | Contractual provisions binding only the contracting parties and cannot provide obligations to third parties Centralized |