
Indicators and their percentages


60.3% male; 39.7% female


10.1% under 20 years old; 45.9% at 21 - 25 years old; 22.2% at 26 - 30 years old; 15.4% at 31 - 40 years old; 6.4% over 41 years old

Household registration

56.7% in rural areas; 43.3% in urban areas

Marital status

66.4% unmarried; 32.9% married; 0.7% divorced; 0.1% widowed

Education level

20.2% in junior high school and below; 34.3% in high school; 26.4% in junior college; 19.0% in undergraduate and above;

Unit service

74.3% within 5 years; 21.8% for 5 - 10 years; 3.9% for 10 years or more

Job position

Management 10.8%; technology research and development 11.6%; market sales 20.4%; administrative affairs 7.8%;

Production and service 30.7%; other positions 18.7%


9.8% of foreign-funded enterprises; 18.2% of state-owned enterprises; 65.4% of private enterprises; 6.6% of others


Processing industry 21.3%; construction industry 9.6%; wholesale and retail industry 14.1%; food and beverage industry 12.7%;

Financial real estate 8.7%; domestic training 7.2%; transportation logistics 5.3%; IT industry 10.0%; other 11.0%

Business scale

72.1% for 300 people; 14.8% for 301 - 1000 people; 13.2% for more than 1000 people