Study type | Major parameters | Main findings | Reference |
Thermal performance and emission characteristics of unvented biomass-burning cook stoves: A proposed standard method for evaluation | ・ measure emissions of air pollutants | ・ emission factors for the three metal stoves tested burning Acacia nilotica ranged between 13 and 68 g∙kg−1 for CO and between 1.1 and 3.9 g∙kg−1 for total suspended particulates and to increase with increasing thermal efficiency both within and across stoves | [91] |
Major gaseous and PAH emissions from a fluidized-bed combustor firing rice husk with high combustion efficiency | ・ investigate CO, NOx and PAH emissions from a 400 kWth fluidized-bed combustor with a cone-shaped bed, over 99%, combustion efficiency | ・ excess air had substantial effects on the axial CO and NOx concentration profiles ・ the total PAHs emission was predominant for the coarsest ash particles ・ the highest emission was shown by acenaphthylene, 4.1 μg/kWh, when the total yield of PAHs via fly ash was about 10 μg/kWh. | [95] |
Emissions from multiple-spouted and spout-fluid fluidized beds using rice husks as fuel | ・ investigate emissions of CO and CO2 on different configurations of spout-fluidized beds ・ vary level of excess air, different primary-to- secondary air ratios at each level of excess air and method of feeding | ・ emission of CO seemed to be lower with under-bed feeding of the rice husk fuel compared to over-bed feeding ・ CO2 emissions independent of method of feeding ・ changes in excess air levels influenced the emissions of CO and CO2 within the excess air range investigated ・ emission of CO was less at 10% excess air with over-bed feeding; emission of CO in the case of under-bed feeding was lowest at 20% excess air level ・ emission of CO was less in the spout-fluid bed than CO in the multiple-spouted bed. | [96] |
Combustion and emission characteristics of a swirling fluidized-bed combustor (SFBC) burning moisturized rice husk | ・ the swirling fluidized-bed combustor was tested at a constant fuel feed rate (of about 80 kg/h) for six fuel-moisture contents (from 8.4% to 35%) | ・ with increasing fuel-moisture content, the emission of NO from the combustor apparently reduced, while the emission of CO was adjusted at a quite low level due to the effects of secondary air ・ effective least-cost control of both NO and CO emissions with over 99% combustion efficiency are achievable when firing moisturized rice husk | [97] |
GHG emission mitigation potential of rice husks for An Giang province, Vietnam | ・ to evaluate the GHG emission mitigation potential of rice husk utilization through life cycle inventory analysis | ・ CH4 and N2O emissions from open burning contribute largely to the current GHG emissions ・ briquettes can contribute to GHG emission mitigation as the production is more efficient than rice husk burning or dumping ・ Gasification the most efficient GHG mitigator | [98] |