Variables in the model

Description of variables



The expected impact

Dependent variable:

Making CF decisions

A member who makes the decisions related to the CF program at the household and for CFMG. Value 1 is assigned for a member who makes the decisions of CFMGs and 0 otherwise.

Binary outcome

1) Gender

Gender of the respondent member. Gender is assigned a value of 1 for women and 0 otherwise.



2) Breadwinner

Primary breadwinner of a family. If a member is a breadwinner assigned a value 1 and 0 otherwise.



3) Education

No. of years that member has spent in schooling.



4) Family size

Total number of people in the household together for more than 6 months.



5) The household decision maker

A respondent responsible for making the decisions related to the household. For this value 1 is assigned for yes and 0 otherwise.



6) Employment period

No. of months a respondent has spent working in their field. The working period is grouped into 12, 9, 6, and <3 months.



7) CF training

CF skill training and workshop attended by the members. Members attend the training to enhance management capacity. Value 1 is assigned to those who have attended the training and 0 who have not.



8) CF management committee

If a member is a chairperson or secretary or treasurer or supporting staff then the value 1 is assigned and 0 otherwise.



9) Region

Research sites are grouped into central, eastern, western, and southern regions. Assigned values are 1, 2, 3, and 4 in respective sequence.

