Wavenumbers, cm–1 for sample (1)

Wavenumbers, cm–1 for sample (2)

Wavenumbers, cm–1 for sample (3)

Type of Vibration

3697.84 cm−1

3696.87 cm−1

3696.87 cm−1

C-H bond stretching (symmetric and asymmetric) (-CH2 and CH3)

3620.7 cm−1

3620.7 cm−1

3619.73 cm−1

C-H bond stretching (symmetric and asymmetric) (-CH2 and CH3)

3426.89 cm−1

3422.06 cm−1

3420.14 cm−1

The broad band around 3354 cm−1 can be assigned to O-H and N-H stretching

1636.3 cm−1

1637.27 cm−1

1636.3 cm−1

C=C band

1031.1 cm−1

1031.7 cm−1

1033.66 cm−1

Corresponds to the production of silanol groups (Si-OH stretch) or SiO2 impurity

912.165 cm−1

912.165 cm−1

Al-OH bending vibration

796.457 cm−1

Which might be attributed to the intense twinning

673.035 cm−1

Si-O symmetrical bending vibration

535.15 cm−1

534.19 cm−1

536.114 cm−1

Si-O-Al stretching

470.55 cm−1

470.55 cm−1

468.687 cm−1

Si-O asymmetrical bending vibration