

Future Research agenda

1 (Serra et al., 2018)

Consumer reactions to CSR

· Analyze the effect of CSR on the hotel’s marketing strategies (consumer purchasing process or loyalty or advocacy). (1)

· Research on whether the customer is willing to pay more or not for hotels that are socially responsible (economic, social, environmental, ethical). (1)

1 (Serra et al., 2018)

Consumer awareness of CSR

· Test Non-experimental research on consumer’s awareness of hotel’s CSR practices. (1)

1 (Serra et al., 2018)

Perceptions, attitudes, and reactions of stakeholders to CSR

· Test stakeholder’s (particularly local community) perceptions, attitudes, and reactions on hotel industry. (1)

1 (Serra et al., 2018)

Segmentation studies

· Perform segmentation studies regarding various stakeholders in the hotel industry (1)

1 (Serra et al., 2018)

2 (Theodoulidis et al., 2017)


· Study the link and the nature of the relationship between CSR and profits or financial performance on the hotel sector. (1)

· Study the influence of CSR activities on the long-term performance for the hotel sector. (1)

· Consider others dataset than MSCI ESG owing to some of its limitations. (2)

· Consider other strategy dimensions in terms of moderators. (2)

· Add supplementary measures when defining the financial performance. (2)

· Broaden the scope of moderators and control variables from what have been already explored in the literature. (2)

1 (Serra et al., 2018)

CSR on employees

· Analyze the influence of CSR on hotels’ manager’s motivation. (1)

· Analyze the impact of CSR on hotel’s competitiveness via innovation and productivity derived from enhanced employee and manager engagement and commitment. (1)

1 (Serra et al., 2018),

3 (Ettinger et al., 2018)

Reporting and communication of CSR

· Explore CSR disclosure characteristics in the hotel context. (1)

· Explore the levels of information quality by hotel companies. (1)

· Analyze CSR communication at destination level for the cooperation between tourism destinations companies and the hotel industry. (1)

· Examine the impact of CSR on making electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) positive and thus the impact on consumer’s behavioral intentions. (1)

· More research on CSR communication and stakeholder engagement in consumer behavior and decision-making process. (3)

· Explore the relationship between hotels and prospective guests regarding CSR online communication. (3)

· Reproduce the research using different samples of hotels. (3)

· Conduct a comparison between local, national, and international hotel chains. (3)

· Explore CSR communication on different types of hotels (private and public). (3)

4 (Su et al., 2017)

Perceived CSR and Green consumerism

· Replicate the model in other regions, countries, and cultures. (4)

· Use additional scale items and questions to measure the perceived CSR. (4)

· Expand the research to other perspectives of tourism (i.e., religious tourism). (4)

5 (Lee et al., 2018)

Perceived benefit, quality of life and support of CSR

· Expand the research model to other jurisdictions and use different sampling methods as well as other pre-tests. (5)

· Extend the analysis by examining various stakeholders. (5)

· Consider the Likert scale ordinalist approach. (5)

· Examine CSR awareness of other stakeholders. (5)

6 (Kim et al., 2018)

CEO narcissism as a moderator between uncertainty avoidance and CSR

· Use external rating to measure narcissism. (6)

· Expand the research in other industries (e.g. Hotels). (6)

· Consider other cultural dimensions and differencing it with migrants’ culture. (6)