Index dimension

Secondary index

Basic index

Index description

Index attribute

Growth momentum

Innovation-Driven Level

R & D level

Three domestic patent application authorizations/R & D funding


R & D investment intensity

R & D funding/GDP



Capital productivity

GDP/total investment in fixed assets


Labor productivity

Real GDP/employees of the whole society


Energy productivity

Real GDP/total energy consumption


Growth structure

Industrial structure

Proportion of non-agricultural industries

Added value of secondary and tertiary industries/GDP


Investment and consumption structure

Investment rate

Capital formation rate


Consumption rate

Final consumption rate


Income distribution structure

Urban-rural income ratio

Per capita disposable income of urban residents/Per capita disposable income of rural residents


Balance of payments structure

Foreign trade dependence

Total imports and exports/GDP


Foreign dependency

Total foreign investment/GDP


Growth stability

Output fluctuation

Economic volatility

GDP growth rate


Price fluctuation

Inflation rate



Employment fluctuations

unemployment rate

Urban registered unemployment rate



Income level

Per capita disposable income of residents



Educational benefits

Years of education per capita

(Primary education level population * 6 + Junior high school education level population * 9 + High school education level population * 12 + College level education level or above * 16)/Sample total population over the age of six


Social Security

Social security expenditure per capita

Real Social Security and Employment Expenditure/Total Population


Green sustainable development

Environmental pollution

Total emissions of major pollutants in exhaust gas

Total emissions of major pollutants in exhaust gas/real GDP


Total wastewater discharge

Total wastewater discharge/real GDP


Environmental protection

Forest cover rate



Environmental protection expenditure per capita

Actual environmental protection expenditure/total population
