Model ID

Statistical Test Used

Model Assumptions

Outcomes Measured



Limma (Linear Models for Microarray Data)

Normally distributed residuals, linear relationships

Log-fold changes, adjusted p-values

Widely used for small sample sizes; accounts for multiple testing using an empirical Bayes approach.


DESeq2 (Differential gene expression analysis based on the negative binomial distribution)

Count data follows a negative binomial distribution

Base mean expression, log2 fold changes, p-values

Suitable for RNA-Seq data; uses shrinkage estimation for dispersions and fold changes.


EdgeR (Empirical Analysis of Digital Gene Expression Data in R)

Negative binomially distributed counts, tag wise dispersions

Common dispersion, tagwise dispersion, exact p-values

Optimized for gene expression comparisons with complex experimental designs.


t-test (Independent two-sample t-test)

Normally distributed data, equal variances

Mean expression differences, t-statistics, p-values

Simple comparative analysis; less robust to variance in small sample sizes without equal variances.