Case | age (years)/ sex | Function | Nature of the caustic substance | Type of transplant |
1 | 25/M | Student | Sulfuric acid | Transverse colon esophagoplasty Aniso-peristaltic |
2 | 40/M | Mechanic | Sulfuric acid | Transverse colon esophagoplasty Aniso-peristaltic |
3 | 30/W | Unemployed | Caustic soda | Transverse and left colonic esophagoplasty Iso-peristaltic |
4 | 36/W | Household | Sulfuric acid | Transverse colonic esophagoplasty Aniso-peristaltic |
5 | 53/W | Household | Sulfuric acid | Transverse colon esophagoplasty Iso-peristaltic |
6 | 37/M | Farmer | Sulfuric acid | Right ileo-colonic esophagoplasty Iso-peristaltic |
7 | 26/M | Teacher | Sulfuric acid | Esophagoplasty by tubulistic gastritis Anisoperistaltic |
8 | 26/M | Student | Sulfuric acid | Transverse colon esophagoplasty Aniso-peristaltic |
9 | 46/M | Trader | Sulfuric acid | Transverse colon esophagoplasty Aniso-peristaltic |