


Radiographic fusion: bone bridges at the fusion area with the density originally achieved at surgery. Radiographic fusion through one cage.


Radiographic fusion: bone bridges at less than half the fusion area close to the density originally achieved at surgery. Radiographic fusion through one cage (half of the fusion area with lucency < 1 mm on the opposite side).


Radiographic fusion: bone bridges at least half of the fusion area close to the density originally achieved at surgery. Radiographical fusion through one cage (half of the fusion area with lucency > 1 mm on the opposite side).


Radiographical locked nonunion indicated by lucency < 1 mm visible in the middle of the cages with solid bone growing into the cage from each vertebral endplate.


Radiographical locked nonunion indicated by lucency > 1 mm visible in the middle of the cages with solid bone growing into the cage from each vertebral endplate.


Significant resorption of the bone graft, or lucency visible around the periphery of the graft or cage.


Radiographical pseudarthrosis is indicated by collapse of the construct, loss of disc height, vertebral slip, broken screws, displacement of the carbon cage.