S/N | Plant Types | Economic Value and Uses | |
Local Name (Ibibio/Annang) | Scientific Name | ||
1 | Afang | Gnetum africanum | Used for soup like Afang and Ukwuoho |
2 | Ayurveda | Taxus breviflora | Anti-Tumour drug |
3 | Eben | Dacryodes edulis | Edible with maize |
4 | Editan | Lasianthera africana | Food, vegetable source |
5 | Efiad | Garcinia cola | Entertainment and cough treatment |
6 | Eyop | Elaeis guineensis | Used for cooking, soap and margarine |
7 | Isip-Mbakara | Cocos nucifera | Oral rehydration therapy and vitamin supplement |
8 | Maprounnea | Papaver somniferum | Hypertension treatment |
9 | Nsukakara | Spondias mombin | Edible fruit and foliage |
10 | Udara | Gambeya albidum | Edible fruit and trunk for timber |
11 | Ukod | Raphia hookeri | Palm wine for social events |
12 | Unani | Artemisia annua | Anti-malaria |
13 | Uyayak | Tetrapleura itraptera | Used for pepper soup especially for nursing mothers |
14 | Uyo-Ikot | Irvingia gabonensis | Edible fruits and seed for soup |