11. Land Cover Classification 2007

1. Artificialized Territories

IDEAM (1:100,000)

1. Urban Network

2. Agricultural Areas

2.1. Arable Land

2.2. Permanent Crops

2.3. Pastures

3. Semi-Natural Areas

2.4. Heterogeneous Agricultural Areas

3.1.3. Fragmented Forest

3.2.3. Secondary or Transitional Vegetation

4. Natural Areas

3.1.1. Broad Level Forest

3.1.2. Open Forest

3.1.4. Riparian Forest

3.1.5. Forestry Plantation Natural Grasslands Moors and Heathland

3.3.1. Beaches, Dunes, Sands

3.3.2. Bare Rocks

3..33. Sparsely Vegetated Areas

3.3.4. Burnt Areas

3.3.5. Glaciers and Perpetual Snow

5. Wetlands