

Ensure patent airway, adequate ventilation and oxygenation, volume status, intubation may be necessary

Abdominal examination is of critical importance in assessing fetal wellbeing, as the main cause of fetal death results from maternal shock and maternal death

Manual displacement of the uterus to the left to reduce IVC compression, if spinal motion restriction is deemed necessary logroll to the left 15 - 30 degrees

Evaluate for abdominal tenderness, rigidity, guarding and rebound tenderness, which may be signs of the feared complication of placental abruption.

Ensuring mother volume status is vital to placental perfusion and thus fetal perfusion

other concerning conditions include transverse lie, palpation of fetal parts and US showing retroplacental hematoma

Baseline lab evaluation including fibrinogen levels, which can help elucidate early DIC

-Kleihauer-Betke test

-FAST exam

-Consider CT

Fetal heart rate monitoring is crucial, fetal nonreassuring patterns is an ominous sign