ADIGT | Aero-derivative industrial gas turbines | |
ADIGT-CHP | Aero-derivative industrial gas turbines combined-heat-and-power | |
CHP | Combined-heat-and-power | |
DP | Design-point | |
GT | Gas turbine | |
IC | Intercooled cycle | |
ICR | Intercooled-recuperated cycle | |
ISA | International standard atmosphere | |
ISA Dev | International standard atmosphere deviation | |
OD | Off-design point | |
RC | Recuperated | |
SS | Small-scale | |
SS-ADIGT | Small-scale aero-derivative industrial gas turbines | |
SS-ADIGT-CHP | Small-scale aero-derivative industrial gas turbines combined-heat-and-power | |
TET | Turbine entry temperature | |
TURBOMATCH | Gas turbine engine performance simulation code | |
C | Specific heat | kJ/kg |
cp | Specific heat at constant pressure | kJ/kg |
cpa | specific heat at constant pressure of air | kJ/kg |
FF | Fuel flow in combustor | Kg/s |
H | Specific enthalpy | kJ/kg |
ha | Water specific enthalpy at economiser inlet | kJ/kg |
hc | Saturated water specific enthalpy at evaporator inlet | kJ/kg |
hd | Saturated steam specific enthalpy at evaporator exit | kJ/kg |
he | Superheated steam specific enthalpy | kJ/kg |
LHV | Low heating value of fuel | kJ/kg |
| Fuel mass flow in combustor | Kg/s |
PE | Electrical power | kWe |
PT | Gas turbine power | kW |
Q | Heat flow | kW |
qin | Heat flow in | kW |
qout | Heat flow out | kW |
Q4x | Total heat transfer in superheater and evaporator | kW |
Qcomb | Combustor heat input | kW |
Qecon | Economiser duty | kW |
Qevap | Evaporator duty | kW |
Qsuper | Superheater duty | kW |
QHRSG | HRSG duty | kW |
T | Temperature | K |
Ta | Water temperature at HRSG economiser inlet | K |