Within the framework of the hydraulic development model adopted in Morocco, three main actors intervene in the planning, development and management of water resources. In addition to the Administration which intervenes, as promoter and regulator in the realization of hydrologic installations and their management, the Regional Offices of Agriculture (ORMVA) intervene as organisms in charge of the development and the management of irrigation systems and promotion of agricultural development, and farmers intervene as users of water at the farm level and recently the Basin Agencies are entrusted with very broad integrated water management at the watershed scale. Since 1966, public authorities have opted for decentralizing water management through the creation of autonomous structures integrating all the services needed for the development of large scale irrigation system. Created in a perspective of overall development in areas with high agricultural potential where water was then limiting factor of development, the role of the ORMVA consists mainly of: · Ensure the realization of hydraulic perimeters on behalf of the State; · Ensure the operation and maintenance of equipment to ensure a permanent and efficient water service; · Provide tailored support to farmers for agricultural development; · Recover irrigation water charges and carry out water policing. Thus, the ORMVA is involved in the process of development and management of irrigation systems by identifying appropriate water allocation among crops and farmers, the determination of choices and management options that are made through hydrologic development studies, according to the specificities of each perimeter and the socio-economic context. The final choice of management options is decided after consultation with farmers through AWUA and Federation. The pricing of irrigation water through the pricing of irrigation water in accordance regulations such as the Agricultural Investment Code (Dahir 1-69-25). The ORMVA’s perception of governance is limited to water availability and use among farmers according to the plan set with users, water recovery and fees. |