

Measurement Goal

Data Reliability Index

(Data refresh rate + Data transformation accuracy + Historical data accuracy)/3

Measures the overall reliability and integrity of data presented in the BI tool.

User Experience Score

(Dashboard intuitiveness + Custom report creation ease + Template availability)/3

Assesses the overall usability and user-friendliness of the BI system.

Security Robustness Rating

(Data masking and anonymization + Field-level security + Data encryption standards)/3

Gauges the overall security standards and practices of the BI tool.

System Efficiency Score

(Query response time + Data caching efficiency + Resource optimization)/3

Evaluates the performance efficiency of the BI system from a user’s perspective.

Flexibility Index

(Ad-hoc query support + BI tool migration capabilities + Plug-in or extension support)/3

Measures the adaptability and extensibility of the BI system.

Interoperability Index

(Third-party tool integration + Data connector extensibility + Open standards adherence)/3

Assesses how well the BI tool can integrate with other systems and standards.

Comprehensive Security Score

(Audit trail quality + Alert accuracy + Row-level security)/3

Measures the depth and breadth of security features in the BI tool.

Optimization Index

(Load balancing efficiency + Large dataset handling + Cluster scalability)/3

Assesses the system’s capacity to optimize and scale based on demand and data volume.

Data Integration Capability Score

(Data source compatibility + Data ingestion speed + Metadata management simplicity)/3

Measures how efficiently the BI tool can integrate and manage various data sources.

Analytical Depth Index

(Advanced analytics support + OLAP capabilities + User-defined function support)/3

Assesses the depth and sophistication of analytical functionalities in the BI tool.

User Empowerment Score

(Ad-hoc query support + Interactive capabilities + Guided analytics)/3

Gauges how well the BI system empowers users to derive insights on their own.

Performance Robustness Index

(Load scalability + Background task speed + Real-time processing)/3

Assesses the BI system’s consistency in performance across varying demands.

Customization & Extensibility Score

(Dashboard modifiability + Plug-in or extension support + Visualization library extensibility)/3

Measures the system’s flexibility in adapting to unique and changing requirements.

Collaboration Index

(Version control + Report sharing capabilities + Concurrent user handling)/3

Evaluates the collaborative features of the BI system among users.

System Resilience Rating

(Scheduled report reliability + Alert accuracy + Automated error detection)/3

Assesses the BI system’s ability to operate flawlessly and recover from issues.

Mobility and Access Score

(Mobile responsiveness + Offline access + Cross-platform compatibility)/3

Measures how accessible and functional the BI system is across different devices and scenarios.

Compliance and Governance Index

(Data governance adherence + Regulatory compliance support + Audit trail quality)/3

Assesses the BI system’s alignment with regulatory and organizational governance standards.