Classification | Definition | Naming convention |
Region | Region is a geographical entity organized roughly along provincial boundaries | South, South West, North, North West |
Area | An Area is an administrative unit created (and occasionally revised) to reflect an optimal composition of school units and campuses. | Based on main City in the Area, as determined by the respective Regional Manager |
Cluster | Cluster is logical grouping of Campuses in close proximity (typically less than 5 km) and is meant for administrative and expansion planning | Based on main Town in the cluster. |
Campus | Campus is a concrete structure designed to house a single or multiple school units. | Usually named after the Build Donor |
E-Compound | E-compound refers to a group of campuses located in close proximity to another within the same boundary wall, although they operate as independent units | S/4/05 which means that this E-Compound was the fourth E-Compound made in the year 2005 in South |
School | School is a function of campus (that houses the school), shift (morning, afternoon) and type (primary, secondary) | |
Unit | Unit is the most basic form of classification based on Capacity of the school | 1P, 2P, 1S, 2S etc. |