Platform Year



To protect the nation’s colleges and universities against intolerance, we will work with independent educators to create alternatives to ideological accrediting bodies.


To protect the nation’s colleges and universities against intolerance, we will work with independent educators to create alternatives to ideological accrediting bodies.


We oppose the hiring, firing, tenure, and promotion practices at universities that discriminate on the basis of political or ideological belief. When federal taxes are used to support such practices, it is inexcusable.


We affirm the right of students and faculty to express their views in the face of leftist dogmatism that dominates many institutions. To preserve the integrity and independence of the nation’s colleges, we will continue to ensure alternatives to ideological accrediting systems.


Ideological bias is deeply entrenched within the current university system.


They [bureaucrats and the then-current President of the United States] are determined to reshape our schools—and our entire society—to fit the mold of an ideology alien to America’s history and traditions.


There excellence is undermined by an ideological bias deeply entrenched within the current university system.