
For the author, the sense of environmental responsibility determined directly, positively and significantly the saving of water for domestic and residential use. The emotional affinity with the environment influenced the residential management of municipal solid waste.


Spence, Portinga, Butler & Pidgeon

They reported that the prevention of perceived disasters influenced the reduction of energy consumption (β = 0.371), as well as the experience of flooding determined the perceived local vulnerability (β = 0.421).


Touginha & Pato

They indicated that ecological behavior correlated with age (r = 0.30), while ecocentric beliefs were associated with universal values (r = 0.20). On the other hand, age and universal values determined the ecological behavior (β = 0.24, β = 0.21, p = 0.001 respectively).


Zapata & Castrechini

They found significant differences among residents of nearby areas regarding neuroticism, extraversion and recycling. Personality traits were not significantly associated with pro-environmental recycling behavior.


Carr, Patterson, Yung & Spencer

In their study, people with religious beliefs agreed that they are very connected to the effects of climate change, while skeptics expressed confidence in scientific and technological advances, rather than religious solidarity in the face of the problem of global warming.


Corral, García, Tapia & Fraijo

They established by means of a structural model [χ2 = 540.80 (243 gl), p < 0.001; BBNNFI = 0.93; CFI = 0.94; RMSEA = 0.06; R2 = 0.35] the indicators of the sustainable behavior factor that included: altruism, proecologism, frugality and equity (0.74, 0.75, 0.64 and 0.74 respectively), while the restoration factor included: well-being, fascination, extension and compatibility (0.61, 0.99, 0.94 and 0.99 respectively).



He found a degree of perception of risk in Buenos Aires residents at the time of migrating to the periphery. In this sense, the perception of the habitat is related to the services and investments that the State has oriented towards centrality. Another factor of perception of housing is spatial socialization, since a change of neighborhood implies the loss of social capital. The rent is a phenomenon closely connected with the expectations of appropriation of the space, since a good root guarantees the permanence in the neighborhood and the establishment of a higher quality of life. The proximity between the houses has led to the development of a spatial identity that increases reciprocity and even the transformation of the environment.


Fraijo, Corral, Tapia & García

They established the correlations between environmental psychological factors. Austerity correlated with deliberation (r = 0.311, p = 0.001) and skills (r = 0.382, p = 0.001). Deliberation with altruism (r = 0.415, p = 0.001), with the propensity to the future (r = 0.390, p = 0.001), with beliefs (r = 0.336, p = 0.001) and with equity (r = 0.302); p = 0. 001). Altruism with beliefs (r = 0.279, p = 0.001). The pro-environmental behavior with the skills (r = 0.291, p = 0.001). The propensity to the future with beliefs (r = 0.323, p = 0.001) and with the skills (r = 0.321, p = 0. 001). The reasons with the beliefs (r = 0.207, p = 0.001).



He established differences between ethical, unethical and undecided regarding his concern (F = 102.52, p = 0.000), risks (F = 51.68, p = 0.000), consensus (F = 26.83, p = 0.000), efficacy (F = 34.67, p = 0.000) and responsibility (F = 69.41, p = 0.000). The environmental intentions were determined by beliefs (β = 0.506).


Moyo et al.

They indicated that the perceived cycle of rain was the phenomenon that most farmers remembered (72%), while winter was the least remembered event (1%). The four seasons were remembered as the phenomena of greatest change (23%), finally, climate change was identified as the main cause of the changes perceived (53%).


Poortinga, Spence, Demski & Pidgeon

They pointed out that personal norms determined the size of the carbon demand and the supply of alternative technologies (β = 0. 51 and β = 0. 41 respectively). In turn, beliefs about climate change affected personal norms (β = 0.59); On the other hand, the environmental identity determined the beliefs of climate change (β = 0.55).


Sahin, Hamide & Teksoz

They showed that the favorable behavior to the environment was explained by the attitudes toward it (β = 0.67). In their case, the dispositions towards the behaviors in favor of sustainability were determined by the tendency to follow the means of communication (β = 0.12), although they were also explained by age (β = −0.65).


Urquieta & Campillo

They established a relationship between economic resources and social stratification with respect to the representation of the city. The lower classes perceived centrality as an insecure area. The middle classes were concerned about the expansion of the city and its effects on the environment. As for expectations, they expressed an ideal of a city in which spaces would allow coexistence as an element of inclusion; recovery of space, tranquility and enjoyment. Regarding the right to the city, this was represented as a scenario of freedoms in which access to employment, education and universal health are indispensable.


Yahya, Hashemnia & Rouhi

They proved that the attitude correlated with the consumption of green products (R2 = 0.457). The norm was related to attitudes (R2 = 0.48), perceptions with attitudes (R2 = 0.43) and consumption with attitudes (R2 = 0.54).