Monolingual and Bilingual Children with DLD


Altman, C., Armon-Lotem, S., Fichman, S., &

Walters, J. (2016)

Govindarajan K, Paradis J. (2019)

Cleave PL, Girolametto LE, Chen X, Johnson CJ. (2010)

Tsipmli, I., Peristeri, E., & Andreou, M. (2016)

Rezzonico S, Chen X, Cleave PL, et al. (2015)

Kupersmitt, Judy R.; Armon-Lotem, Sharon (2019)


To distinguish children with typical language development (TLD) from those with SLI

To 1) identify the narrative components that differentiate TD

and DLD groups 2) determine the role of age and input factors in predicting L2 narrative abilities in each group

To compare narrative abilities in children with specific language impairment (SLI) who are monolingual and those who are dual language learners

To identify potential clinical markers of specific language impairment (SLI)in

bilingual children with SLI

To determine the similarities and differences in narrative abilities between preschoolers with and without SLI who are either monolingual or bilingual at two time points

To examine the linguistic expression of causal relations

between the motion events within the main episode in a

picture-based narrative


English-Hebrew bilingual

24 English L2 learners with DLD and 63 English L2 learners with TD from diverse L1 backgrounds (such as Assyrian, Mandarin, Somali, Pashto, Spanish and Arabic)

26 children with SLI, 14 monolingual English speakers and 12 dual language learners

Greek monolinguals and Bilinguals

English monolinguals and bilinguals

45 Hebrew monolinguals (19 with Developmental Language Disorder [DLD]), 57 English-Hebrew bilinguals (20 with DLD) and 48 Russian-Hebrew bilinguals (21 with DLD)


Two groups (TLD = 19, SLI = 12)

24 English L2

with DLD and 63 English L2 learners with

TD from diverse

L1 backgrounds

26 children with SLI, 14 monolingual English speakers

and 12 dual language learners.

The dual language learners were English dominant

and spoke a variety of other languages in the home

Twenty-one Greek-speaking monolingual and 15 bilingual children with SLI along with monolingual (N = 21) and bilingual (N = 15) age-matched children with typical development

20 participants with SLI included 10 monolingual speakers of English (four boys and six girls) and 10 bilingual children (six boys and four girls)

One hundred and fifty children

Pre-School children

Yes, aged 64 - 78 months

mean = 5.8

Mean (SD) 3.5

5 - 7 years

School-aged children

mean age = 9.0

mean ages = 52 and 58 months at Times 1 and 2, respectively

5 - 7 years

Methodology/ instruments

Retelling of stories accompanied by six pictures matched across content (Baby Birds/Baby Goats) and to the extent possible across languages (first language/ second language) for macrostructure, microstructure and MSTs

story generation

task and a parent questionnaire

The two SLI groups were compared using standardized

tests and

measures from two narrative samples

Greek version of the

Multilingual Assessment

Instrument for Narratives.

The performance on measures of narrative macrostructure (narrative information) and microstructure (sentence length, number of different words, verb accuracy, first mentions) in monolingual and

bilingual children with and without SLI.

Narration of a story, based on a series of pictures. Production of coherent narratives so as to

assemble narrative events into a causally related, goal-oriented episode, basically composed of a goal, an attempt to reach the goal and a final outcome