Justification-prevention of the other’s face-threatening act

justification-repair of the own face-threatening act

Prepositional Justification/auxiliary act

Postpositional Justification/auxiliary act

Independent act, Response to face threatening act with directive allocution,

1. Mitigate the addresser’s face-threatening act of imposition;

2. Minimize the danger of the addressee’s dispreferred act.

Repair/prevent the damage to the addresser’s face

1. Justify and mitigate the own dispreferred act of refusal/rejection.

2. Save the other’s and the own faces.

Redress double two-directional face threat with middle strength of justification illocutionary point

Redress one-directional face-threat with minimal strength of justification illocutionary point

Redress double two-directional face-threat with maximum strength of justification illocutionary point