

Key words

Knowledge of PSA

PA knowledge

Physical activity (PA) is a set of leisure, relaxation or competitive practices that allows energy to be spent

Activity that causes energy expenditure

PA is a movement that generates an energy expenditure greater than the energy expenditure of the basal metabolic rat

Energy expenditure greater than the energy expenditure of basal metabolism

PA is a set of movements that mobilizes the musculoskeletal, joint, etc. system

Activity that mobilizes the whole body

The PA is a set of static or dynamic movements and hierarchized according to a grade

Categorized physical activities

Beneficial effects of regular PA practice on the health and well-being of individuals

PA helps prevent cancer, cardiovascular risks,

Prevents and fights against NCDs

The PA fights against chronic pathologies

PA reduces morbidity linked to certain diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke, Parkinson’s disease,

improves health

The practice of PSA leads to the secretion of endorphins, oxygenation of the brain, strengthens the heart, physical condition; improves digestion etc.

Proper functioning of the body

The cure for longevity and eternity


Knowledge required for prescribing PSA

Knowledge of physical medicine, sports medicine, knowledge of sports health, knowledge of the patient, their history, indication of physical activity according to the pathologies

Medical and sports knowledge