1 Mth

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6 Mth


The participant feels great joy in being able to do something without the helper being present

The participant feels that slime in his neck is less disturbing because it slides easier down the throat

The participant feels that it is easier for him to breathe now

The participant tells that his friends from his sportsteam told him that he is much easier to understand now when he speaks


The participant feels less tension in his jaws

The participants tells that he feels that he has become a new hobby now - which is singing

The participant tells that strangers understand him more easily now and that they rarely ask him to repeat what he says.

The participant tells that he has become much more confident and now dares to talk to strangers for example at a flee market because he is confident that they will understand him


The participant chokes very often, both when she eats food but also just from her own saliva

The participant feels that it is already much easier for her to swallow when she eats

The participant feels that she can breathe better and take deeper breath than before

The participant tells that she chokes very rarely now, and that her difficulties with swallowing are almost completely gone.


The participant has no language and very little control over tongue, lips and face muscles. He accidentally bites himself in the tongue and cheeks very often until he bleeds.

The participant can now provoke and execute a better cough in order to free his airways from slime.

The participant relaxes more in his upper body, face and neck. The helpers report that the participant has started to mumble while he sleeps. He is beginning to learn different sentences.

The family of the participant feels that it is now easier to include the participant into a conversation since he nos can say yes and no.

The participant reports that he doesnt bite himself in the tongue and cheeks anymore and that he speaks spontaneously

The participant feels that he can breathe and cough much better than before. Most importantly the participant now uses verbal communication to choose food or to say yes, no, hello etc.


The participant feels that she is breathing deeper and that she has learned to use her stomach for breathing

The participant feels that her lips are more flexible

The participant feels that she has learned to relax her face and release the tension in her shoulders and neck.


The participants talks with vocalfry. The participant has anxiety that is related to his drooling. He is very anxious of drooling in public.

The participant feels that his pronunciation has improved and some of his friends have noticed improvements. Also is vocalfry is almost gone.

The participant tells that he is not drooling anymore and that his anxiety which is triggered by his drooling now is gone.


The participant feels that his posture has improved and that it gets easier to get rid of slime that is stuck in the neck

The participant feel an improvement in his breathing and in how he used his airflow during talking


The participants feels a lack of connection between tongue and his brain

The tongue is more flexible than before. His family notices improvements in his speech

Improved motor control of his lips and improved breathing

Improved control of his tongue. He is drooling less.

The participant feels that his control of his lips and tongue has improved his speech and made his pronunciation more clear and easy to understand


The participant feels great frustration because he has difficulties remembering lyrics and melodies

The participants feel and improvement of his memory and in his breathing.

The participant feels that he can use some of the techniques that he learned to remember lyrics to remember his groceries list and daily chores. He feels a big improvement of his memory.


The participant is sitting very bent over forward and has difficulties straightening herself up.

The participant feels a little improvement in her posture and can feel that her breathing improves.

The participant can now sit with a straight back throughout the entire session

The participants feel that both her posture, breathing and soundquality when she speaks has improved. It is easier for her to talk and follow a conversation.