Heiney et al. (2012)

Paradigmatic position:

Post positivist


Randomised control trial

Aim: to consider if a therapeutic group delivered by teleconference would increase social connection compared to a control group

Eligibility Criteria: 1) born in the US and English speaking African American Women who were older than 21 years 2) diagnosis with an invasive ductal carcinoma, including colloid, tubular and medullary types 3) treatment was either lumpectomy with adjunctive treatment (radiation or chemotherapy) or excision biopsy.



Cancer type:

invasive ductal carcinoma and colloid, tubular and medullary types

Life expectancy:

Sampling Technique:

Convivence―self referral or physician referral.



Treatment details:

Country: USA

Length: 8 weekly session and 2 booster sessions which were 1.5 hours in length.

Content: Each session contained a story sharing element. Final two sessions contained a story sharing element and no new information

Assessor/Researcher/HCPs involved: Two experienced African American Social workers lead the group.

Cost: All participants received a gift card ($20) and a small gift ($3) for participating

Development rationale: based on previous work.

Outcome measure assessment: measured at 3 time points

Northhouse Social Support Questionnaire (Northhouse, 2001)

Social well being subscale from the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast Cancer Version (Cella et al., 1993)

Cancer knowledge questionnaire

The Tension-Anxiety subscale of the Profile of Mood States-Brief (McClair et al. 1992)

University of California-Los Angeles Loneliness Scale (Rusell 1996)

Methods: Randomised control trial with standard patient report outcome measures.

Outcome measure development/Pilot work: Not detailed

Duration of interview: N/A.

Analysis: T-test and chi-squared test. Repeated measures ANOVA fixed factors.

Heiney et al. (2013) (same participants used)

Paradigmatic position:

Post positivist


Randomised control trial

Aim: to describe the format of the teleconference group and provide descriptive feedback from participants about the intervention

Eligibility Criteria: 1) born in the US and English speaking African American Women who were older than 21 years 2) diagnosis with an invasive ductal carcinoma, including colloid, tubular and medullary types 3) treatment was either lumpectomy with adjunctive treatment (radiation or chemotherapy) or excision biopsy.



Cancer type: invasive ductal carcinoma and colloid, tubular and medullary types

Life expectancy:

Not identified

Sampling Technique:

―self referral or physician referral.

Setting: Teleconference

Treatment details:

Country: USA

Length: 8 weekly session and 2 booster sessions which were 1.5 hours in length.

Content: Each session contained a story sharing element. Final two sessions contained a story sharing element and no new information

Assessor/Researcher/HCPs involved: Two experienced African American Social workers lead the group.

Cost: All participants received a gift card ($20) and a small gift ($3) for participating

Development rationale: based on previous work.

Outcome measure assessment:

Feedback form about group including: therapeutic factors, cancer knowledge, social connection, group structure and group leadership assessed in 19 Likert questions.

Methods: Outcome measures to assess outcome measures.

Outcome measure development/Pilot work: (Previous work by Heiney et al., 2003; 2003b)

Duration of interview: Not identified.

Analysis: Use of Microsoft Excel. Consideration to descriptive statistical analysis. Felsch Reading Ease and Felsch-Kincaid Grade level