
Methodology, aim Eligibility

Participants, Sampling and Setting

Key intervention details

Data collection methods, aim and focus and analysis

La Cour et al. (2016)

Paradigmatic position: Interpretivist

Methodology: Ethnography

Aim: Explore the use of storytelling as part of a residential cancer rehabilitation intervention for patients and their relatives with a focus on disease management

Eligibility Criteria: People who have dad or have cancer. People who were 18 years and older.

Groups included only Gynaecological and Lung cancer (because of psycho/emotional impact)

Participants: 20 individuals (patient and spouse) or 10 pairs

Cancer type:

Gynaecological cancer (n = 8)

Lung Cancer (n = 2)

Sampling Technique: not identified

Setting: medieval castle

Treatment details: not given

Country: Denmark

Length: 5-day residential intervention.

Content: topics identified to psychologically and emotionally support people

Researcher/HCPs involved: counsellors with difference health and social care backgrounds (no additional detail)

Cost to participant: No cost to attend

Development rationale: supplied based on managing challenges and importance of creative activities and social context

Outcome measure assessment:

Methods: Interviews after 1 month

Observation and informal conversations were used to create field notes and electronic recordings

Outcome measure development/Pilot work: Interview schedule was based on field notes included questions like what was the course like, what have you incorporated into your life.

Duration of interview: 2 hours


Analysis: Narrative emplotment (Ricoeur, 1984)

Høybye et al. (2005)

Paradigmatic position:

Not stated likely interpretivist


Ethnographic case study

Aim: Consider social interactions and how group dynamic and social mechanism benefit individuals when using story to consider strategies used to overcome following diagnosis

Eligibility Criteria: Breast cancer diagnosis stage (I-IV) and had undergone breast surgery and had or were receiving chemotherapy


15 females

45 years

28 - 55 year range

Married (n = 12)

Children (n = 13)

Cancer type:

Breast cancer

Sampling Technique: Purposive recruitment from a mailing list

Setting: internet chat room

Treatment details:

All had or were undergoing chemotherapy

Radiation treatment (n = 13)

Tamoxifen or Femar (n = 6)

Country: USA, Faeroe Islands and Greenland

Length: 8 months

Content: internet based discussion shared between the group

Assessor/Researcher/HCPs involved: Researcher involvement

Cost: No cost to participate

Development rationale: need to understand the social value of the internet and the ability to empower cancer patients to consider isolation to

Outcome measure assessment: interview with most

Methods: face to face or over the internet (live chat room) interviews. “Most interviewed” twice.

Field diary of interaction across chat room.

Outcome measure development/Pilot work: no specific sample questions rather issues were addressed: personal breast cancer story, use of internet, involvement in the mailing list, understanding of list or conversations, personal social relations understanding of present situation and hope

Duration of interview: not given

Analysis: narrative (not clear)