

Questions to answer

Evans et al. 2008

Høybye et al., 2005

La Cour et al. (2016)


What are the aims of the research?

Assess theoretical rigour (soundness and fit of question). Questions to address:

Do the methods link to the question well and are the appropriate?

Question is appropriate and links well to the methods undertaken.

Question is appropriate and links well to data gained.

Question is appropriate and links well to data gained.

What is the research question?

Is the question appropriate and does it contain all elements you would expect?

All elements of the question are given except outcome measure focus

All elements provided.

All elements provided


Why is a qualitative approach the best option to answer this question?

Does the justification include the paradigmatic considerations and methodological considerations and the rationale given?

Justification based on background literature and theory.

Justification based on the need to consider social relationships in action expressed through narrative.

Follow on from past ethnographic work

Why was the particular qualitative research design chosen?

Has a rationale been provided?

Rationale for why qualitative and not quantitative research is not given

To be embedded in a setting.

To answer the selected question

Procedural rigour

Have the techniques of data collection been clearly documented?

Has the following been consider: accessing participants, development access, development of rapport and trust, identification of data collection, recording, coding and analysing. Does it consider how refusal to participate is addressed?

Access information could be clearer and development of rapport not given. Framework to avoid analysis provided.

Clear information about access, development of access, development of rapport are provided. Refusal to participate is considered.

Clear information about access, development of access, development of rapport are provided. Refusal to participate is considered.

Are the forms of data analysis completely transparent?

How was the data managed is an audit trail provided of the processes undertaken?

No audit trail is given.

No audit trail is given.

No audit trail is given.


What sampling t echniques have been used to answer the research question?

Not mentioned

Not mentioned

Not mentioned

Do the sampling techniques support conceptual generalisability?

Do they mention a type? Maximum variation―(all aspect of the topic under question?)

Homogenous (selection fitting a particular criteria) snowball or convenience (perhaps weakest for generalisability)

Not mentioned likely convenience.

Not mentioned likely convenience.

Not mentioned likely convenience