Unit 4—Apply workplace health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the hydrogen industry

This competency standard includes responsibilities and application at operative levels for health and safety, risk management and adherence to safety practices in the hydrogen supply industry.


Ÿ applying relevant work health and safety occupational health and safety requirements

Ÿ applying safe working practices

Ÿ applying regulations and codes of practices in the workplace

Ÿ checking tools and equipment for safety and correct operation

Ÿ isolating plant/machinery/equipment

Ÿ completing relevant workplace documentation

Ÿ dealing with workplace accidents, emergencies and fires within scope of responsibility

Ÿ following and applying work procedures and instructions as they apply to risk control measures

Ÿ identifying hazards and implementing and monitoring control measures

Ÿ obtaining applicable work permits, clearances and isolation permissions prior to entering the work area

Ÿ participating regularly in consultation processes

Ÿ preparing to enter a hydrogen supply work area in accordance with workplace procedures

Ÿ reporting hazards to relevant person/s in accordance with workplace procedures


Ÿ appropriate fire extinguisher for a given type of fire and its use

Ÿ commonly used workplace safety signs

Ÿ hierarchy of hazard control measures

Ÿ hazards associated with hydrogen supply work environments

Ÿ procedures used to control risks

Ÿ principles of risk assessment

Ÿ safe manual handling principles

Ÿ workplace emergencies that pose a threat to health and safety and suitable procedures for an emergency workplace evacuation

Ÿ chemicals in the workplace, including: hazardous substances and dangerous goods, safe storage procedures and purpose and interpretation of safety data sheet (SDS), types

Ÿ and classes: fuelled, flammable and other relevant gases, effects of gases on the human body, common causes of gas accidents and ignition, products of (complete and incomplete) combustion, precautions that can minimise the chance of gas accidents and ignition

Ÿ requirements for working with gases, fire protection and control/extinguishing

Ÿ hydrogen reactivity with metals

Ÿ requirements for working in a designated hazardous area

Ÿ relevant industry standards, legislation, guidelines, codes of practice and regulations

Ÿ relevant manufacturer specifications

Ÿ relevant safe work method statements (SWMS)/job safety assessments or risk mitigation processes

Ÿ relevant legislated requirements

Ÿ relevant work area access, clearances and isolation permissions/permits

Ÿ relevant workplace documentation

Ÿ relevant workplace policies and procedures

Ÿ techniques to check tools and equipment for safety and correct functionality

Ÿ techniques to monitor implemented control measures

Ÿ working safely with electricity

Ÿ working safely with gases

Unit 5—Carry out hydrogen transport and loading

This competency standard includes following workplace procedures to correctly and safely transport and transfer hydrogen. This includes recognising the characteristics of hydrogen and hydrogen tube trailers/tankers to ensure the safe transfer and transport of fuel, conducting pre-trip inspections, performing tube trailer/tanker loading tests and transporting load to customer site. It also includes preparing a site to accept delivery, managing delivery, completing post-delivery activities and following emergency procedures.