28. The most likely reason a patient with pain would request increased doses of pain medication is:

86 (72.3%)

29. Which of the following is useful for treatment of cancer pain?

60 (50.0%)

30. The most accurate judge of the intensity of the patient’s pain is

96 (81.4%)

31. Which of the following describes the best approach for cultural considerations in caring for patients in pain?

54 (46.2%)

32. How likely is it that patients who develop pain already have an alcohol and/or drug abuse problem?

25 (25.0%)

33. The time to peak effect for morphine given IV is

63 (53.8%)

34. The time to peak effect for morphine given orally is

29 (24.8%)

35. Following abrupt discontinuation of an opioid, physical dependence is manifested by the following:

23 (20.2%)

36A. On the patient’s record you must mark his pain on the scale below. Circle the number that represents your assessment of Andrew’s pain.

63 (55.8%)

36B. Your assessment, above, is made two hours after he received morphine 2 mg IV. Half hourly pain ratings following the injection ranged from 6 to 8 and he had no clinically significant respiratory depression, sedation, or other untoward side effects.

1 (0.9%)

37A. On the patient’s record you must mark his pain on the scale below. Circle the number that represents your assessment of Robert’s pain:

78 (70.3%)

37B. Your assessment, above, is made two hours after he received morphine 2 mg IV. Half hourly pain ratings following the injection ranged from 6 to 8 and he had no clinically significant respiratory depression, sedation, or other untoward side effects

16 (13.8%)