Kate, et al., 2011 [24]

Longitudinal study

n = 1

- 22 year old Indian female with 9-day history of intermittent fever and associated abnormal behavior

18 months



Brain MRI

CSF examination

Bush Francis Catatonia rating score (BFCR)

Intravenous lorazepam

Sodium valproate






nihilistic delusions

repetitive movements

Whole body rigidity




Oral cavity drooling

By the end of the patient’s 20 cycles of rTMS, she had started to feel better

Her BFCR scale dropped from 32 to 9

Made good eye contact

Could speak fluently and coherently

Minimal to no motor rigidity left

Within 3 more months, there were no more signs of catatonia left and the patient returned to her normal college life

This woman had her catatonia associated with her lasting, intermittent fever, which may be more rare and harder to compare to other studies

This is a case study, meaning the study results cannot be generalized to the population


Hagikura, Inada, 2023 [25]

Longitudinal study

n = 1

- 34 year old female who has had a history of catatonic schizophrenia and antipsychotic treatment for it. She relapsed a year later and was treated with the blonanserin transdermal patch

About 1-2 months

COVID-19 test

Blood tests

Brain MRI

Oral benzodiazepines

Blonanserin (antipsychotic transdermal patch)

Paranoid delusions of being harassed by others

Decreased appetite

Severe dehydration, which is why patient wouldn’t take medicine orally


Motor rigidity (catatonia)

Uncontrollable large periods of urination

6 - 7 days after her admission to the hospital and treatment with the blonanserin patch, the patient began to open her eyes more often and communicate better. She made head nodding movements and had better motor control. Around 2 weeks later, she was discharged with no return of catatonic symptoms

The woman had severe dehydration and consequences of uncontrollable urination as result of the blonanserin and even before its administration, which is a rare circumstance and may not compare to other studies.

Blonanserin was a patch that was approved very first in Japan, so Japan has the most studies of this patch and its usefulness compared to other countries, which may serve as a confounding variable.

This is a case study, meaning the results cannot be generalized to the public.
