Session | Overall purpose | Behavioral purpose |
1 | Introduction of therapeutic approaches | Introduction, explaining the group rules, introducing narrative therapy, describing the dominant story of individuals in life and life narrative, stating solution-focused methods and giving assignments |
2 | Externalization and familiarity with the basic principles of solution-focused counseling | Starting externalization, examining the life narratives of individuals, my life story, familiarity with the basic principles of solution-focused counseling and its application, assessing the active acceptance of responsibility in a relationship, formulating the rings of solutions to problems |
3 | Attitude towards the problem | Group discussion about the attitude towards the problem and stating the individuals’ solutions in this regard, participants’ familiarity with helpful solutions and repeating them and giving up inappropriate solutions, finding a positive story |
4 | Dominance and rule over the individual | Group discussion about feedback on the previous sessions, dominance and rule over the committed person and encouraging the participants to solve problems, identifying and solving the resistances of participants, talking about future and works, using the technique of scale questions |
5 | Members’ familiarity with exceptions of the problem | Examining one’s own flaws, providing some points regarding the boosters of the problem, strengthening and highlighting the exceptions of the problem, making the participants realize their own potentials and capabilities, role play and explaining the exercise of incomplete sentences |
6 | Techniques to deal with negative emotions towards stressful relationships of the past | Techniques to deal with negative emotions towards stressful relationships of the past and stating a narrative of individual perceptions about life events, helping the participants identify other ways of thinking and admiring each other instead of criticizing, implementing the technique of miracle questions |
7 | Rewriting the life narrative from past to present | Rewriting the life narrative from past to present, helping the participants imagine their favorite future and a better world, helping the participants get out of the problem framework and identify objective and desired changes |
8 | Summing up the sessions and conclusion | Group discussion about the changes made in individuals due to attending the sessions, examining the evidence related to the change in the group, summing up the sessions and conclusion, implementing the posttest, thanks and appreciation to the members for their participation in the session |