262538.356 ÷ 3.37853 = 69357.344

GC ÷ K = G

Each gallon of gasoline is 3.7853 liters that converted to liter gallons using the formula.

69357.344 × 138,700 = 9619863612.8

G × GS = Ag

Gasoline releases 138,700 BTU (produced thermal energy). Thus, using this formula, the BTU gasoline is obtained per gallon.

9.6198636128 × 19.95 = 191.9162

Ag × R = Fc

Each gallon of gasoline releases 19.95 tons of carbon, so by applying this formula, the amount of carbon released from the amount of consumed gasoline is obtained.

191.9162 × 1ha ÷ 1.8 = 106.620

Fc × H ÷ Rc = L

Each hectare of fertile soil absorbs 1.8 carbons; by using this formula the required land is obtained to absorb carbon.

106.620 ÷ 46,900 = 0.0022

L ÷ P = EFg

In the final stage, by dividing the land needed to absorb carbon over the population of a city, footprint per person in city is obtained.