2367.855 ÷ 3.7853 = 625.539

BC ÷ K = B

Each gallon of CNG is equivalent to 3.7853 liters of petrol, converted to liter gallons by using the formula.

625.539 × 125,000 = 78192448.418

B × BS = Ab

CNG releases lead-free petrol at 125,000 BTU (produced thermal energy). Thus, using this formula, BTU BTU gasoline is obtained per gallon.

0.0781 × 19.35 = 1.513

Ab × R = Fc

Each gallon of CNG releases petrol equivalent to 19.35 tons of carbon, so this formula produces the amount of carbon released from the amount of consumed petrol.

1.513 × 1ha ÷ 1.8 = 0.841

Fc × H ÷ Rc = L

Each hectare of fertile soil absorbs 1.8 carbons; in this formula the required land is obtained to absorb carbon.

0.841 ÷ 46,900 = 0.00001

L ÷ P = EFb

In final stage, footprint per person is obtained by dividing required land for carbon absorption on city population.