Univariable logistic regression | Severe acute malnutrition non-recovery | |||
yes; n (%) | no; n (%) | total | p-value | |
Sex |
Male | 15 (26.32) | 42 (73.68) | 57 | 0.59 |
Female | 10 (21.74) | 36 (78.26) | 46 |
Feeding |
Weaning before 2 years of age | 7 (20.59) | 27 (79.41) | 34 | 0.19 |
Weaning after 2 years of age | 1 (7.69) | 12 (92.1) | 13 |
Breastfeeding in process | 17 (30.36) | 39 (69.64) | 56 |
Child’s age at hospitalization (months) |
6 - 12 | 5 (17.24) | 24 (82.76) | 29 | 0.04 |
13 - 24 | 15 (27.27) | 40 (72.73) | 55 |
25 - 59 | 11 (57.89) | 8 (42.11) | 19 |
Address |
Urban | 4 (17.39) | 19 (82.61) | 23 | 0.38 |
Suburban | 28 (36.36) | 49 (63.64) | 77 |
Rural | 2 (66.67) | 1 (33.33) | 3 |
Mother’s education |
No schooling | 12 (16.90) | 59 (83.10) | 71 | 0.25 |
Primary | 4 (19.05) | 17 (80.95) | 21 |
Secondary | 2 (0.20) | 8 (0.80) | 10 |
Universitary | 0 | 1 (100) | 1 |
Clinical form of malnutrition |
Oedematous | 5 (20.83) | 19 (79.17) | 24 | 0.85 |
No oedematous | 20 (25.32) | 59 (74.68) | 79 |
Tuberculosis |
Yes | 3 (75.00) | 1 (25.00) | 4 | 0.01 |
No | 22 (22.22) | 77 (77.78) | 99 |
Anemia |
Yes | 12 (24.49) | 37 (75.51) | 49 | 0.96 |
No | 13 (24.07) | 48 (75.93) | 54 |
VIH Infection |
Yes | 0 | 2 (100) | 2 | 0.42 |
No | 25 (24.75) | 76 (75.25) | 101 |