Target layer

Criterion layer

The scheme layer

Index layer

Evaluation Index system of Urban Green Community

Green construction

Green building

Energy saving rate of new buildings

Utilization rate of water-saving appliances

Energy saving lamp utilization rate

Proportion of recyclable materials

green energy resources

Renewable energy utilization rate

Proportion of municipal green lighting

Energy classification and household metering rate

Green traffic

Passenger and vehicle diversion ratio

Walking distance of public station

community planning

Site selection rationality

plot ratio

Community matching perfection

Per capita living land area

Accessibility of public ancillary facilities

ecological condition

Noise environment reaching standard rate

green coverage ratio

Innocuous classification and collection rate of garbage

Non-traditional water source utilization rate

Permeable surface area ratio

Green irrigation rate

Green management

Meticulous management

Integrity of management mechanism

Measurement of energy consumption data

Certification rate of environmental management system

Low carbon incentives

Disclosure of environmental information

Resident satisfaction

Community security

Green community construction satisfaction

Residents’ sense of community belonging

Green community life

Environmental publicity and public participation

Awareness rate of green community

Green low carbon propaganda education popularization rate.

Green low carbon purchase

Green and low carbon travel

Community private car ownership rate

Community bus travel rate