Specific population




Important links

1) In addition to field visits, teachers can visit virtual parks through the Internet and invite park staff to demonstrate or discuss in class.

2) Employing educators to help formulate curriculum plans required by schools;



1) Carry out extracurricular investigation, internship and summer work.

2) Create youth advisory committees or councils to provide young people with more voice and project ownership.



1) Diversified recruitment. Review and redesign the interpretation and education programs to reach different audiences better;

2) Use urban parks as portals to encourage children and families to discover national parks, to hold annual meetings in parks, and promote off-season visits.

Neighbouring communities

Inseparable and share the same future

1) Enhance attraction and make people willing to live near National parks;

2) Local governments should actively participate in community activities and meetings, and seek opportunities for cooperation.

3) Enhance communication with schools.

Major cooperative groups and stakeholders


Some partners or stakeholders are strategically important, or their tasks are more closely related to the park’s mission. Formal agreements, such as cooperation agreements, can be signed.


Park Ambassadors

Volunteers can interact with the public on behalf of the park and in some cases provide interpretation services. In this “quasi-employee” role, they need to understand the public participation efforts and principles of the park and receive training.

Friendly group and Cooperative Association

Friendship Groups are non-profit organizations. The Cooperative Association will benefit from its operation.

1) Friendship groups provide volunteer services to assist in resource management, conservation and fund-raising.

2) Cooperative associations provide programs and financial support for core programs in education and research fields, and generate revenue through sales of related products;

3) Friendship groups and cooperative associations have different policy guidance and operate through different NPS regulations.