
Detailed opinion

Personal reasons

・ Because I was busy and got tired while working for a company.

・ Because I have no free time to invest in myself.

・ Because I am not mentally prepared for them.

・ Because I don’t know how to manage my time.

・ It was hard to think of them because it wasn’t long after I retired.

・ Because my physical strength gradually weakens.

・ Because I don’t have the heart to do them willingly.

Financial reasons

・ Because I don’t have financial leeway.

・ Because I suppose it will take much money to learn.

Reasons of insufficient information

・ Because I lacked information on new hobbies.

・ Because of no information on how to participate in leisure activities.

・ Because I lack information on leisure activities I want to participate in.

Reasons of insufficient experience

・ Because I never did them.

・ Because I’m idle and accustomed to resting at home.

Reasons of social relationships

・ Because I have no one around me who has tastes in common.

・ Because I have no one to do activities together.

・ Because there are not persons who do leisure activities together.

・ Because there is no one who shares the same leisure activities.

・ Because though I want to be together with retirees, there is no acquaintance who is under the same circumstances at present.

・ Because most senior citizens who participate in the cultural center are older than me.

・ Because of the pressure that I should be with strangers.

Reasons of insufficient programs

・ Due to the lack of professionalism.

・ Because no program on the leisure activities I want to join is prepared.

・ Because the conditions of leisure activities I want to join are too strict.

・ Because no program about leisure activities I want to learn is available at the cultural center of my current residential area.

・ Because though I want to learn a foreign language, no expert instructor has been invited.

・ Because there is no suitable leisure activities program for both husband and wife.

・ Because there is no program established for early or late hours.

Reasons of physical environment

・ It is difficult to go to the facilities of my desired leisure because they are too far away.

・ Because of insufficient conditions at the current residential area.