Semester, Year

Samples of qualitative feedback from students

Fall Semester, 2020

· Uses sizeUP to ensure students understand concepts

· Gave examples and scenarios for each framework

· Gave honest and relevant feedback on how to improve without bias and was constantly seeking to correct misunderstandings

· Relates to the real world

· For every assignment, she would include her comments on every rubric and whether I completed the rubric and did well. She also included points for improvement.

· Articles and scenarios help to relate to concepts

Spring Semester. 2019

· For each presentation such as lightUP, teamUP, etc. she would provide feedback which encourages us to think beyond what we have done.

· Wants us to go to a deeper level in our understanding of concepts

· Due to the unexpected shift from physical class to e-learning, she created a class schedule to make sure we know what to do during the different segment of the class.

· Lots of participation is involved in each class.

Fall Semester, 2019

· The course is well designed and engaging

· Creative way to teach conceptual material

· The fact that I can apply OB concepts in my daily life shows that she did a good job of bringing the concepts to life

· Teaches us to think deeper