Pearce, K. 2020

What is social distancing and how can it slow the spread of COVID-19?

Compiled information

Isolation refers to the separation of infected or infected or known or trusted people from people who are not infected to preclude the extent of the ailment. On the other hand, quarantine in general refers to any person or people who are reasonably thought to have had an infectious disease but have not yet become symptomatic of those who have not been exposed to the potential spread of the disease.

The Hub. Johns Hopkins University

Prem K, Liu Y, Russell TW,

et al. 2020

The effect of control strategies to reduce social mixing on outcomes of the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan, China: a modelling study.


Epidemiologic methods (EM); Deterministic stage-structured SEIR model

The physical distance system was the most effective and the impact of the physical distance system was distinguished by the extent of the infection and the role that school children played in the endemic.

The Lancet Public Health

Goli. S. 2020

Coronavirus: The lockdown and its consequences.


Sudden lockdowns, a significant number of private hospitals, shut down essential medical services and pharmacies and continue to cause huge losses in population and health outcomes.

The Deccan Herald


R. 2020

Extending the lockdown could have deadly consequences.


People who are financially unstable have statistically shorter lifespans. Long-term unemployment is associated with alcoholism and depression. Children from low-income families face much more uncertain futures. The emergence of family breakdown, a huge unemployment and an inevitable consequence of keeping people in their homes, is an economic and social expense.

The City A.M.

Marin, B. 2017

Welfare in an Idle Society? Reinventing Retirement, Work, Wealth, Health and Welfare.

Mixed Methods,

Case Studies,

Comparative Analysis of Empirical evidence

The advanced government assistance state is tied in with keeping up a fragile equalization, and this parity is being accomplished (or not) by purported age contracts. This implicit understanding is a more intrinsic, unwritten and new implicit agreement.



Lawanson, O. & Evans, O. 2019

Human Capital, Structural Change and Economic Growth in Developing Countries: The Case of Nigeria. Economics of Human Resource: Issues, Challenges & Opportunities

Mixed Methods,

Case Studies,

The impact of human capital growth is even more significant when a country enters the kind of structural change that demands highly skilled workers suggesting that the lower the share of traditional theoretical activities, the higher the economic growth.

University of Lagos Press

Lee V. J,.

Chiew C. J., and

Khong W. X. 2020

Interrupting transmission of COVID-19: lessons from containment efforts in Singapore.

Singapore’s Approach,

Initial exposure of cases through reconnaissance and the search for belligerent contacts in the vicinity of known cases have facilitated to extent the outbreak in Singapore.

Journal of

Travel Medicine