

Statement of Success (common features)





Using football genuine resources & materials

Using and teaching authentic input and real-world contents and materials from the AFC, FIFA etc.

Comparative analysis of learner’s language comprehension and production with the authentic input

Showing original videos (football talk shows, players’ interviews, match commentary, etc.) with subtitles

Simplification of authentic input and increasing the efficiency of materials

Conversation and discourse analysis of learners’ production in role-plays, tasks and activities

Focusing on speaking & writing

Assigning writing tasks and speaking activities

Assessing accuracy and fluency of learners’ production


Instructor’s characteristics

Experienced and knowledgeable in football

Employing knowlegeable and motivated teachers in Football

Teacher’s background or pre-service training received in content knowledge

Rapport & good relations with learners

Making and maintaining warm and continuous online connections with learners outside the class

Learner’s turn taking, responsiveness, participation, volunteering & giving feedback in the class

Patience, attraction & creativity in teaching

Attracting learners and maintaining motivated

Number of dropped-out learners, learner’s inactivity time in the class, number of absent learners each session


Learner’s characteristics

Changing learners’ attitude about learning English for football

Highlighting and demonstrating the importance and usability of English for football

The level of learner’s inclination to participate in different tasks and activities

Increasing learners’ motivation

Offering extra points, and awarding certificate at the end of the course

Continuation of active participation throughout the course, and rate of passed scores

Increasing learners’ self-confidence in English language

Inviting foreign guests in football to have disucssion, Q&A and speech with learners

Learner’s turn taking to voice ideas, ask questions, respond etc.


Learning Environment

Multimodality of the online class/platform

Activating and maintaining learner’s multiple intelligence

Learner’s participation in different tasks os four skills

Availability of online dictionary in the class

Intriguing learner’s curiosity and motivation to look up new words and idioms

Number of learner’s references to use dictionary or search engines

Possibility of doing online homework & exercises

Increasing learners’ engaged time during the course and out of the class

Completion of online tasks by the learners