Employer 16


Employer 17

Due to reduced orders and customer cancellations, it became a balancing act of staying profitable and managing talent. Hiring became much more stringent.

Employer 18


Employer 19

Yes, due to Covid-19 companies are conserving cash to prep for the uncertainty this global virus has caused.

Employer 20

It would not differ.

Employer 21


Employer 22


Employer 23

Yes, mostly due to the rate at which the economy was growing pre-Covid. Post-Covid still has way too much uncertainty, leading to a slower hiring rate.

Employer 24

No. our team has several recent graduates. We believe that you need experienced team members to mentor new colleagues therefore we value all stages of the career path.

Employer 25

We are making sure we are only hiring people with experience, probably to ensure they won’t be laid off. We can’t afford to invest in new talent.

Employer 26

With more pressure to succeed NOW and navigate through the additional constraints COVID has brought, there is more of a push now to hire individuals that already have real world experience.

Employer 27

N/A. But we are on hiring freeze at this time.

Employer 28

I, personally, am not hiring, but hunting for jobs.

Employer 29


Employer 30


Employer 31


Employer 32

No. Generally, like most companies, we have an internship program to bring graduates without any experience. We do offer entry-level roles and open to considering candidates who may not have internship experience at our company.

Employer 33


Employer 34

Yes. We are hiring less due to negative business impacts resulting from Covid.

But we’re still hiring.

Employer 35


Employer 36

Yes, I think there is a push to hiring less experienced and more personnel to work in a more virtual environment.

Employer 37

Yes, I believe if it were not for Covid we would be more heavily looking for talent to add especially around the holiday season which obviously spikes Logistics around the world. With that being said we are looking to add around 15,000 workers to help handle the holiday demand strike.

Employer 38

Yes, the business is looking for talent that can adapt fast especially now.

Employer 39

No, I feel it depends on the company. My company in particular is more focused on new talent, talent that can bring a fresh perspective to an uncertain future in the supply chain. However, experience is an added bonus.

Employer 40


Employer 41

No, New talent is great because there are no conceived ideas on how things should be. I would rather have someone who is smart, resourceful, and willing to do anything we throw at them. It’s a fresh set of eyes and someone we can mentor and help grow.

Employer 42

Not really, we are always open minded and like new people.

Employer 43


Employer 44

No depending on the candidate experience is preferred but character and personality can bypass.

Employer 45

Likely no (mostly due to the culture of the organization I work for).