Researcher (s)



Sample size


Statistical Anxiety Components

Methodology/ Analysis


Sandoz, Butcher, & Protti (2017)


A Preliminary Examination of Willingness and Importance as Moderators of the Relationship Between Statistics Anxiety and Performance

132 undergraduate students

Adaptation of Statistical Anxiety Scale (SAS), and statistical quizzes

・ Examination anxiety.

・ Fear to get help

・ Anxiety

Multiple regression

The willingness and importance of simplifying the relationship between statistics and performance concerns in statistical quizzes.

Paechter et al. (2017)


Mathematics Anxiety and Statistics Anxiety. Shared but Also Unshared Components and Antagonistic Contributions to Performance in Statistics

225 undergraduate students

Statistics Anxiety Rating Scale (STARS) and statistical examination

・ Examination and class anxiety

・ Fear to get help

・ Fear of Interpretation

Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)

Statistical worries have a direct negative impact on academic achievement

González et al. (2015)


Anxiety in The Statistics Class: Structural Relations with Self-Concept, Intrinsic Value, and Engagement in Two Samples of Undergraduates

947 undergraduate students

Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ)

・ Statistics class anxiety

Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)

Students with higher self-concept and intrinsic value experience less concern in statistical classes. They have a higher involvement which in turn increases achievement

Eduljee & LeBourdais (2015)


Gender Differences in Statistics Anxiety with Undergraduate College Students

156 undergraduate students

Statistical Anxiety Rating Scale (STARS)

・ Examination and class anxiety

・ Statistical value

・ Self-efficacy


For male students, there is no significant correlation between statistical concerns and course grades. As for female students, there is a significant correlation between statistical concerns and course grades

Sesé et al. (2015)


Can Attitudes Toward Statistics and Statistics Anxiety Explain Students’ Performance?

472 undergraduate students

Statistical Anxiety Scale (SAS) and statistics test

・ Examination and class anxiety

・ Fear to get help

・ Anxiety

Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)

Statistical worries have indirect negative effects on achievement through attitudes toward statistics

Harris Shah Abd Hamid & Muhamad Karimi Sulaiman (2014)


Statistics Anxiety and Achievement in a Statistics Course among Psychology Students

139 undergraduate students

Revised version of Statistics Anxiety Rating Scale (STARS) and mathematics quiz

・ Examination and class anxiety

・ Fear to get help

・ Anxiety

・ Statistical value

・ Self-efficacy

・ Fear of statistical teacher

Correlation and Linear Regression

There is no significant relationship between

statistical concerns and statistical achievement

McKim (2014)


Understanding Undergraduate Statistical Anxiety

173 undergraduate students

Statistics Anxiety Measure (SAM)

・ Classroom behavior

・ Behavior towards mathematics


There is a negative relationship between statistical concerns and statistical achievement.

Ciftci, Karadag, & Akdal (2014)


Instruction of Statistics via Computer-Based Tools: Effects on Statistics’ Anxiety, Attitude and Achievement

97 undergraduate students

Statistics Anxiety Rating Scale (STARS) and Statistical achievement scale

・ Examination and class anxiety

・ Fear to get help

・ Anxiety

・ Statistical value

・ Self-efficacy

・ Fear of statistical teacher


Computer-based statistics teaching reduces statistical concerns and increases statistical performance.