9. | Bauhinia vahlii (Wt. & Arn.) Benth. | Mohlain | Caesalpiniaceae | Root paste mixed with a glass of water to prepare aqueous solution and one glass solution is given to treat syphilis or gonourhea for 15 days every morning. | Cl | Plot C |
10. | Buchanania lanzan Spr. | Chaar | Anacardiaceae | Baiga use its bark and leaf to treat snake bite. Two are three tender leaf paste, mixed with a glass of water and also mixed 3 - 4 tea spoonful sugar to prepare aqueous solution. One glass solution is given 5 - 7 days at a time to treat Syphilis. | T | Plot A & C |
11. | Butea monospera (Lamk.) Taub | Palas | Fabaceae | Juice of stem bark, two or three tea spoon full mixed with a glass a water thrice a day is given 3 - 4 days for the treatment of dysentery is summer season. | T | Plot A & B |
12. | Caesalpinia bonducella Roxb. | Gataran | Caesalpiniaceae | Leaf Juice 2 - 3 tea spoon full mixed with equal part of Tramarindus indica L. bark ash, two times a day, is given for 15 days to treat asthma or other cough complaints. | Sh | Plot A & C |
13. | Calotropis procera Br. | Aak | Asclepiadaceae | Ash of flower mixed with honey one teaspoonful twice a day taken to cure whooping cough and asthma. | Sh | Plot A, B & C |
14. | Chlorophytm arundinacuem Baker. | Safedmusli | Liliaceace | Five gram paste of tuber is mixed with water is taken orally three timer a day for treatment of frequent nocturnal emission’s. | H | Plot A, B & C |
15. | Cissampelos pareira L. | Pathar/Paat Korea | Menisper maceace | Baiga use its root to treat fever. Root decoction used as mild tonic, diuretic and stomach. | H | Plot C & A |
16. | Costus specious (Koen) Sm. | Keokand | Costaceace | Juice of rhizome is used to cure leprosy. The juice a tea spoon full, along with equal part of Azadirachta indica Juss. Bark powder is used two times a day for 15 days to treat jundice. | H | Plot B & A |
17. | Curculigo orchioides Gaertn. | Kalimusli | Hypoxidace ae | Baiga use its tuber for a period of 15 days empty stomach for the treatment of impotency. | H | Plot C |
18. | Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. | Amarbel | Cuscutaceae | Juice of this twinner acts as antiseptic on wounds. Decoction of plant is given for bath to cure skin disease. | Cl | Plot C |
19. | Dalbergia sissu Roxb. | Shisham | Fabaceae | Paste of four to five tender leaf is prepared and mixed with a glass of water. Give for a day to treat syphilis or other veneral disease. | T | Plot B & C |
20. | Datura stramonium L. | Dhatura | Solanaceae | Leaf decoction is used by Baiga to cure joint complaints. The slightly warm decoction administered throughout the complaint area till the effect absorbed. Dry leaf used for smoking to treat asthma. | Sh | Plot A & C |