S. No. | Botanical name | Local name | Family | Ethno-botanical & ethnomedicinal uses | Hb | Study sites |
1. | Abrus precatorius L. | Ghumchi | Fabaceae | Root powder is given for the treatment of whooping cough with slightly warm water, two teaspoonful a day for seven days. | Sh | Plot A, B & C |
2. | Achyranthes aspera L. | Chirchita | Amaranthaceae | Decoction of plant root along with bark decoction of Terminelia bellirica (Gaestn.) Roxb. Terminalia chebula. Retz and Ficus religiosa L. mixed with on kg. Cow or goat milk and heated to prepare curd 100 to 200 gm. treatment of Asthama. religiosa L. mixed with on kg. Cow or goat milk and heated to prepare curd 100 to 200 gm. treatment of asthama. | H | Plot B & C |
3. | Adhatoda vasica Nees. | Adusa | Acantha aceace | Leaf decoction is given fifteen days for the treatment of Asthma, one glass twice a day. | Sh | Plot B & C |
4. | Aegle marmelos L. | Bel | Rutaceae | Baiga Tribe used its Kernal of fruit mixed with powder of black peper, is given for a month every evening for the treatment or Syphillis or Gonorrhea. Five to six tender leaf with powder of black peper chewed seven days at a time for the treatment of acidity of other stomach discover. | T | Plot A, B & C |
5. | Andrographs paniculata (Burm. F.) Wall | Bhui limb/ Kalmegh | Acanthaceae | Baiga use its root to treat fever. A tea spoonful powder mixed with a glass of cow milk or slightly warm water is given seven days, twice a day after meal. | H | Plot A & C |
6. | Argemone mexicana L. | Pila Dhatura | Paperveraceae | Latex of plants is suggested to apply one drop in eye lid for the treatment of conjunctivitis, once a day for three days. Root juice of plants, one tea spoon full mixed with equal proportion of cow butter, its given at once for the treatment of eczema and other skin problems. | H | Plot A, B & C |
7. | Asparagus racemos Willd. | Sataveri | Liliaceae | Decoction of plant is used to treat Uraemia (blood in orine), two times a day, a full of glass till the effect observed. Root powder also used as vital effective. | H
| Plot B & C |
8. | Azadirachta indica Juss. | Neem | Meliaceae | Seed oil one tea spoon full or crushed seed mixed with glass of water is given 15 days every morning for the treatment of piles. Aqueous solution prepared with bank of plants is given seven days every morning empty stomach, to treat eczema. | T | Plot A, B & C |