
topography, geomorphology, geological structure and bedrock, parent material, the direction of slope, genetic and physical soil type, water balance, location and sensitivity of the soil layers, soil texture, pH, soil water management categories, depth of the column, soil compaction depth of the groundwater, protected geological values


average hours of sunshine, prevailing wind direction, wind speed, precipitation conditions, the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall, average temperature data, air quality, background contamination, protected and sensitivity categories


size and location of surface and groundwater, water flow conditions, standard flow, protected hydrological values, water facilities, water quality (pH, Total suspended residue, Fe Total, and Mn Total)

Wildlife, Biological Flora & fauna

types of habitat, habitat patches, species composition, rare plant communities, protected plants, animal species and population of the examined area, protected animals


size and distance of built environment, built-up, cultural values, historical monuments, function of the examined area

Base Map

Administrative boundary, Concession area boundary, District boundary, Chiefdom boundary, Section boundary, Scanned parcel Maps, Digital Orth photos, imagery


the size of the affected population, population by sex and age

Land cover/land use

landscape, land use, nature-function areas, protected areas, landscape values