NO | Triggers/Drivers of Sustainability | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
1 | Compliance with Government Regulations |
2 | Society Concern for The Environment |
3 | Increasing number of Green Consumers and their willingness to buy green products |
4 | Environmental Problems that threaten The Environment and Human Life |
5 | Competitive Forces |
6 | Profitability Goals |
7 | Competitive Advantages |
8 | Moral and Ethical Reasons |
9 | Top Management Initiatives and Environmental Knowledge |
10 | Stakeholders Pressure |
11 | Size of the Firm and the nature of the industry |
12 | Community and Environmental Pressure Groups |
13 | Individual Employee and Management Initiatives |
14 | Leadership Values and Managerial Attitudes |
15 | Public Image and Goodwill |
16 | Any Other (Please Specify) |