Name of institution

The relevant documents

Time and place

The main content

The International Congress of Modern Architecture (CIAM)

“Charter of Athens”


Ancient buildings with historical value and representing a certain period are of great educational significance and should be properly preserved without damage.

“Machu Picchu Charter”


Lima, Peru

The protection, restoration and reuse of existing historical sites and ancient buildings must be combined with the urban construction process to ensure that cultural relics have economic significance and vitality.


“The Venice Charter”


Venice, Italy

The focus and direction of modern conservation movement has changed from cultural relics to architecture and region.

“World Heritage Convention”


Paris, France

Formulate general standards for the evaluation of cultural heritage.

World Heritage Centre (WHC)

“Operational Guidelines”


It clearly explains the concept, value, significance and protection purpose of cultural heritage, as well as the value of the Venice Charter.


“The Washington charter”


Washington, DC

The protection of historical cities and regions should become an integral part of the overall policy of social and economic development and be included in the urban planning and management plan at the whole level.


“The Nizhny Tagil Charter”


Nizhni Tagil, Russia

It records the definition and value of industrial heritage, as well as the importance of identifying, registering and studying industrial heritage, and puts forward guidelines and serious Guiding Opinions on legislation, maintenance and publicity.