AC | Alternating current |
CG | Conjugate gradient |
CPMexe | Cycles per micro-operations retired excluding the memory accesses in a second |
CPU | Central processing unit |
DC | Direct current |
DDI | Distributed data interface |
DRAM | Dynamic random access memory |
DVFS | Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling |
EP | Embarrassingly parallel |
ERI | Electron repulsion integrals |
FLOPs | Floating point operations per second |
FMO | Fragmental molecular orbital |
FT | Fast Fourier transform |
GAMESS | General atomic and molecular electronic structure system |
L3APM | L3 cache accesses per micro-operation retired |
MAPM | Memory accesses per micro-operation retired |
MIPS | Million instructions per second |
MPI | Message passing interface |
MSR | Model specific register |
OOO | Out-of-order |
PE | Processing element |
QPI | Quick path interconnect |
RAPL | Running average power limit |
SCF-HF | Self consistent field hartree fock |
SP | Scalar pentadiagonal |
TCP/IP | Transport control protocol/Internet protocol |
UFS | Uncore frequency scaling |