To share common history

Weber and Weber, 2011

To be subjected to same pressures

Gordon and Jack, 2010

To share sense of trauma

To share experience of emigration

Phillips et al., 2013

· To get mutual understanding

A strong reciprocal understanding in terms of wants, values, and standards of behavior

Howorth and Moro, 2006

· To work in the same direction

Weber and Weber, 2011

“Understood we’re all in the same boat and we all want to grow and develop”

Gordon and Jack, 2010

To work together

Schwarzkopf et al., 2010; Discua et al., 2013

Membership* (To belong a group with particular characteristics that other people could identify you as part of it)

· To be communicated symbolically to other organizations

Curtis et al., 2010

· To be associate with local mentor who was well known and highly respected

Local mentor took her under his wing and encouraged people to contact her

Jack and Anderson, 2002

· To pertain to a network created by a leader in local initiative

Welter et al., 2008

· To be membership in a training program

Gordon and Jack, 2010

· To be member of a specific association

Altinay et al., 2014

To belong to a guild association

Welter and Kautonen, 2005

To be a member of the board of a very important association

Howorth and Moro, 2006

To be a part of association of entrepreneurs

Ingstad et al., 2014 [84]

· To belong to an incubator

McAdam and Marlow, 2007 [85]

Some tenants are better suited than others to become members of an incubator community. In this line, tenants seek belonging and a spirit of comradeship from other tenants. Tenants seek identification from being a member of a community

Totterman and Sten, 2005

To be mixed up in the atmosphere within the start-up incubators, being the atmosphere within the start-up incubators such as Triple Z might have helped to facilitate trust

Welter et al., 2008

· To establish relation with incubator’s manager

It is interesting to observe that all incubator managers involve themselves in tenants’ stakeholder negotiations

Totterman and Sten, 2005

Consistency: The extent to which her actions are congruent with his or her words, such as promise fulfillment and reliability [14] [44] (14 articles)

To be consistent in her decisions and behavior

De Clercq and Sapienza, 2006; Howorth and Moro, 2012

Promise fulfillment

· To carry out the promise

To keep her word

Batterink et al., 2010

To display behaviors that confirm previous promises

Maxwell and Lévesque, 2014

To promise things that she can do

Jean and Tan, 2001; Jones and Rowley, 2011;

Altinay et al., 2014

To be truly sincere in her promises

De Clercq and Sapienza, 2006; Bergh et al., 2011; Weber and Weber, 2011