1) Interdisciplinary meetings (two or more teachers in the classroom), 15 interdisciplinary meetings in the groups studied | 15 |
2) Use of FACEBOOK in the classroom (Study Groups), 6 FACEBOOK Study Groups for each study group | 6 |
3) Use of Audio and Video media in the classroom, 398 students participated in the survey | 398 |
4) Students set in groups in the classroom, 97 groups of students (four-five participants) | 97 |
5) Suggestion for the production of content by the students themselves, 100 school contents studied | 100 |
6) Scientific and school researches held in the classroom, 94 school researches | 94 |
7) Use of the FACEBOOK environment by teachers and students, 407 student and teacher profile accounts | 407 |
8) Creation of FACEBOOK STUDY GROUPS, 17 study groups | 17 |
9) Periodic posts on FACEBOOK of group activities, 421 posts on FACEBOOK | 421 |
10) Likes and Shares by students to their personal profiles, 1819 likes and shares | 1819 |
11) Interdisciplinarity with teachers from other areas of knowledge, 124 interviews with teachers and area experts | 124 |
11) 360˚ assessment of students (everyone evaluates all posts), 12 tests performed during the research | 12 |
12) Learning of audio and video editors Format factory and Movie Maker, 512 productions of intermediate and final videos | 512 |
13) Use of Movie Maker for editing of videos by students, 185 videos with credits about the surveyed subjects | 185 |
14) Production of scientific articles and publishing of activities by teachers, 8 scientific articles published in specialized magazines and newspapers | 8 |
15) Technical specifications of the activities performed by invited institutions, 4 technical notebooks on the activities | 4 |
16) Vocational Training and Qualification for Teachers, WEB RADIO IN EDUCATION and FACEBOOK IN THE CLASSROOM | 2 |